Top 20 NuGet storage Packages

Utilities for lazy loading and separating values into azure storage
Azure Table Storage persistence layer for IdentityServer4
Cross Storage (cross-storage) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Continuation Local Storage (continuation-local-storage) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
jQuery.Total Storage ( binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
A key value pair storage to run on the server
This library contains the necessary components for accessing Azure service bus and storage queues via the common Mantle messaging interface.
Arragro provider for Storage (Azure).
Azure Storage Table backend for Akka.Persistence.
SQLite data storage service for StrongBeaver.
This library contains the Xigadee connectors for Azure Storage, i.e. Queue, Table, Blob etc.
Unified Bucket CloudStorage API for .NET by CloudRail provided an easy solution to store and retrieve. This interface includes Amazon Web Services S3, Backblaze, Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure Storage, Rackspace. Get a free license key at: Features: - Cr...
Custom wrapper of SqliteORM for both iOS & Android
provides Windows.Storage API to Xamarin.Forms
This package provides support for persisting your custom WebHooks registrations in a MongoDB.