Top 20 NuGet storage Packages

An easy-to-use timeseries database client that allows storing of masses of simple of data structures identified by a string id and a timestamp.
An easy-to-use timeseries database client that allows storing of masses of simple of data structures identified by a string id and a timestamp. This package has been discontinued from version 7.0.0 and onwards. All classes has been moved to Vibrant.Tsdb.
Enchilada for MassTransit MessageData, Store your big pay loads anywhere!
CAS - Content Addressable Storage (Text Serializer).
CAS - Content Addressable Storage.
A reimplementation of PCLStorage that keeps 100% of the publicly-accessible API, and is contained in only one .NET Standard assembly that does not rely on any external framework code.
A very simple .NET interface to blob storage.
Blazor local and session storage support
CAS - Content Addressable Storage (Text Serializer).
Azure implement for StorageMate.Core interfaces. Including Table/Blob based implementing.
A Portable Storage Provider for Android Storage Access Framework (SAF)
Azure Storage O/C mapper (Object to Cloud). Leverage Windows Azure without getting dragged down by low level technicalities.
Windows AzureContrib is a community addition to Microsoft Widows Azure SDK with some nice ;~) additional features to Microsoft's valiant efforts.
Microsoft Azure Table Storage helper
AspNet Identity Azure Table Storage Implementation.
Programatically control Azure Storage Emulator.
AngularJS module that gives you access to the browsers local storage with cookie fallback
This plugin extends Backload, the server side file handler, to manage files on Microsoft Azure Blob storage,
Semaphore using Azure Storage (based off of SemaphoreSlim)
EasyDocDb - embedded nosql document persistance for .NET Core.