Top 20 NuGet spring Packages

Steeltoe library for enabling dynamic management of Serilog
Spring integration with Rhino.ServiceBus
Beanoh.NET is a simple open source way to verify you Spring context. Teams that leverage Beanoh spend less time focusing on configuring Spring and more time adding business value
Cormo module that sets up a ready-to-go OWIN web-api project fully-configured with Contexts and Dependency Injection and other Cormo goodness, with zero fuss and zero-config
Common Host Infrastructure to Host Spring Context Applications
Xamarin.Android Binding for DanielMartinus' Stepper-Touch, a Stepper Touch for Android based on a Material Up showcase designed by Oleg Frolov
Json.NET support for Spring.NET REST Client Framework
Spring.NET REST Client Testing Framework
Spring.NET Social Framework extension for Dropbox
Spring.NET Social Framework extension for Twitter
Chain of Responsibility API, similar to Apache Chain
.NET application development framework that brings both Spring and the CDI (Contexts and Dependency Injection) spec from Java EE (specifically its implementation by JBoss Weld) into .NET development.
CommonServiceLocator provider for Cormo