Top 20 NuGet spring Packages

Steeltoe Management Endpoints for ASP.NET 4.x
Steeltoe library for enabling dynamic management of Serilog.
Client for service discovery and registration with Neflix Eureka
Package for adding Steeltoe Hystrix to ASP.NET Core applications
Autofac extras library for component registration via attributes 用注解来load autofac 摆脱代码或者xml配置和java的spring的注解注入一样的体验
Steeltoe library for enabling dynamic management of Serilog in ASP.NET Core applications. Includes Console sink.
Package for adding Cloud Foundry environment variable configuration provider to ASP.NET Core applications
Steeltoe Management Endpoint Support for ASP.NET 4x via OWIN
Circuit breaker abstractions
Steeltoe Neflix Hystrix Client Autofac
Steeltoe Stream Base
Steeltoe compatibility package for service discovery and registration with Hashicorp Consul
Spring Cloud Services Discovery Client
Steeltoe Neflix Hystrix Metrics Event Stream Autofac
Extensions for using Steeltoe Management OWIN Endpoints with Autofac
Steeltoe Messaging RabbitMQ
Client for service discovery with Kubernetes native service discovery
Extensions for running tasks embedded in your ASP.NET Core application. Ideal for cf run-task in Cloud Foundry.
Abstractions for use with Steeltoe Stream
Abstractions for use with Steeltoe Messaging