Top 20 NuGet specflow Packages

For use with custom RedFolder.xUnit.IntegrationFact attribute. This plugin automatically generates .cs code to use the IntegrationFact rather than the standard xUnit Fact.
Enables custom di containers and step argument injection in SpecFlow
Factory and PageObject support for Selenium use with SpecFlow.
SpecFlow.FeaturesFromTfs updates the contents of specflow .feature files that follow a regex defined naming convention (by default Story{workItemNumber}.feature) from the specified fields of that work item in TFS. This is done every build, and allows you to store the source for your SpecFlow tes...
Support for SpecFlow running on .NET Core 2.0
Microsoft IoC integration for Kekiri
Plugin for injecting background steps into a Scenario or Feature during generation.
An extension to Xbehave that allows you to write gherkin-style unit tests.
Allows for a @retry(n) tag to be placed above scenarios in SpecFlow.NUnit. This can be used to re-run a failed test up to n times, allowing for transient failures (e.g. network related) to be tolerated. Based on Josh Keegan's xRetry.SpecFlow package
Supports the creation of Domain-Specific Languages for test automation. Supports human friendly random data generation
Allows using Cucumber Expressions with SpecFlow v3.1
SpecFlow plugin that enables to use Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection for resolving test dependencies.
The WP7 App client library for BDD SpecFlow testing framework for Windows Phone emulator - used together with the WP7 BDD package
A .NET package to provide support for downloading features from Behave for Jira
A generic grammar for acceptance criteria testing using Specflow, Nunit and Selenium Web Drivers.
Tools package for Kekiri
Cornerstone Testing Automation Framework. Provides everything a Cornerstone App developer needs to start creating test automation with Specflow.