Top 20 NuGet specflow Packages

A SpecFlow plugin that allows a spec to retry a number of times if it fails.
Specflow context services and helpers
Provides Specflow extentions for XML Sources
An extension of Kekiri to support SimpleInjector-aware ScenarioTests
Bundled command line tools to assist running your Joyride tests
Faster version of the SpecFlow default table parser
A JavaScript expression, C# string wrapper library
This is a Plugin for SpecFlow that generates NCrunch attributes
Generate the report of SpecFlow test run and send the report via email. Screenshot will be attached to the report for failed test cases, which is useful for UI testing.
Provide access to SpecFlow steps through extension methods in ScenarioContext and SceanrioInfo
Specflow plugin for using Runsettings parameters inside specflow tests
SpecFlow plugin for using SimpleInjector as a dependency injection framework for step definitions.
Allows a collection of Actions to be invoked before or after a step type seamlessly. E.g. Invoke .build() on a builder when the first 'When' step is called. Removing the need for a filler step to build the object.
This assembly contains various utility functions to * Transform a string into Uri * Transform a string into an IP Address * Transform a string to a date range
DataBag provides an easy way of resolving string expressions based on registered variables. DataBag.EntityFramework allows you to integrate DataBag library with EntityFramework. For more details see Project Site.
A fork of the Embarr.SpecFlow package with some small improvements. - Support for dictionaries with non-string keys
Base classes for creating SpecFlow plugins to generate examples based on tags
A simple SpecFlow plugin for loading examples from excel
A simple SpecFlow plugin for loading examples from csv