Top 20 NuGet simpleinjector Packages

Topshelf.SimpleInjector provides extensions to construct your Topshelf service class from the SimpleInjector IoC container.
Topshelf.SimpleInjector provides extensions to construct your Topshelf service class from the SimpleInjector IoC container. This QuickStart package will quickly get you up and running with your WindowsService. Create a new Console Application project, install this package, make sure to...
Topshelf.SimpleInjector.Quartz provides extensions to schedule your Topshelf Service with Quartz.NET using SimpleInjector IoC container.
This is a (hopefully temporary) fork of HangFire.SimpleInjector that enables support for NetStandard
For use with SimpleInjector dependency injection container. Provides extension methods on Container that make registering Functional.CQS handler implementations easy. - Functional.CQS.IQueryHandler<TQuery, TResult> - Functional.CQS.IAsyncQueryHandler<TQuery, TResult> - Functional.CQS.ICommandHandle...
Quick Start for Simple Injector WCF integration. This package adds the needed dependencies and code examples to get started quickly with Simple Injector in an WCF application.
This package provides a starting point that automatically wires up a new dependency injection configuration for SimpleInjector using a composition root pattern and injection through either IControllerFactory or IDependencyResolver. You may customize this configuration to allow for replacement of vir...
Extensions to help clean up dependency injection in Azure WebJobs using SimpleInjector as a container.
SimpleInjector implementation of the Shuttle.Core.Container dependency injection interfaces
Dependency injection modules for SimpleInjector that can be used to integrate MvcSiteMapProvider into an existing dependency injection setup. You may customize this configuration to allow for replacement of virtually any part of MvcSiteMapProvider by implementing one of its interfaces and injecting ...
The package Provides a solution for the UnitOfWork patterns together with inversition of control. It is the core abstractions, interfaces and core classes that can be used for any ORM. On the project site there are examples of Autofact, Castle.Windsor, Ninject, Simpleinjector, StructureMap, a...
Common Instance Factory provides an abstraction over dependency injection and IoC containers using the abstract factory design pattern. Created as an alternative to the Common Service Locator that does not use the service location anti-pattern and provides support for releasing instances.
This package provides a starting point that automatically wires up a new dependency injection configuration for SimpleInjector using a composition root pattern and injection through either IControllerFactory or IDependencyResolver. You may customize this configuration to allow for replacement of vir...
Configures SimpleInjector to resolve IRepository as the right configured implementation of SharpRepository
Use these extensions to build Prism applications based on Simple Injector.
Shepherd is a highly extendable orchestrator pattern wrapping (SimpleInjector / Microsoft Dependency Injection) in order to help register tasks more easily. Shepherd out of the box help auto-register domain service and create modules for infrastructure registration. Shepered ...