Top 20 NuGet simple Packages

Memcached support fo Eve.Caching.
Simple Value Object Money Library that is thread safe and fast.
Just enough settings manager.
A very simple logging framework, now in NetStandard.
Simple loggers for .NET
Moogie.Http is a single file fluent interface for the System.Net.Http.HttpClient class, now available as a NuGet package!
Simple abstraction for parser implementation.
Injection interfaces.
An alternative to 'dotnet new console' featuring one-line Main with clean .sln and .csproj
A simple EDI library for dotnet core, that doesn't obscure what you're doing when building an EDI serializer. At the moment, serialization only.
A Simple implementation of a JWT Provider for .Net Core.
Simple package containing result class.
Log the sting to console
A similar kind of httpserver known from frameworks such as Express (NodeJs). Very minimalistic and easy to work with.
This Package provides a similar kind of httpserver as in frameworks such as Express from NodeJs, very minimalistic and easy to work with.
A password generation nuget that balances simple and easy to use with options. Easily integrate this in you application to make a complex or simple password at what ever length you want. You only need to worry about one class with one method, with OK defaults if you are really lazy and can't be both...
This is a test
Simple encrypt, decrypt, and hash
Simpler declaration for WPF Dependency Properties.