Top 20 NuGet shell Packages

Inspector.MonoGame module for Gemini, adding editors for MonoGame types to the Inspector module.
The Command Line Parser Library offers to CLR applications a clean and concise API for manipulating command line arguments and related tasks.
A member of the Visual Studio SDK
A member of the Visual Studio SDK
A member of the Visual Studio SDK
Thor.NET is a port of a popular ruby framework for command-line interfaces.
AppShell provides a template to build UWA with a standard "hamburger" menu that is built upon SplitView control. This avoid you to write the same code or copy/paste the menu controls for each app while not sacrificing flexibility. AppShell was built starting from "XamlNavigation" sample project that...
Command line argument parser library.
The RPL for your REPL. It's a REPL for Console Apps that features a command history, word completion, and basic shell nav. Just add your own prompt, startup message, and callback for handling the user input. More info at
Collection of tools for developing console applications. This package contains the basic funtionality like application handling and command line argument parsing/mapping like the 4.* version of the ConsoLovers.ConsoleToolkit did, but usable for .NetStandard 2.0
This .NET Standard library is a simple command line argument parser. It uses attributes on classes that define which of the properties are used as command line arguments. Custom types can be processed by implementing and registering interface `ICustomConverter`.
Metro style theme for Wider
The ServerRegistrationManager tool is a tool which can be used to deploy SharpShell servers
Corvinus Base WPF Framework
The Command Line Parser Library offers to CLR applications a clean and concise API for manipulating command line arguments and related tasks.
"Inspector module for Gemini, providing a flexible PropertyGrid tool window."
It's an utility that can help you to execute command or command file like bat file on windows or shell file on linux.