Top 20 NuGet scriptcs Packages

Browserify plugin for PVC Builds
PVC plugin for uploading files to S3 and then invalidating the CloudFront cache.
PVC plugin for Gzip compression and decompression
PVC Plugin to zip and unzip archives.
PVC Build Engine plugin to execute testcases written for xUnit test framework
Octopus Deploy Client Script Pack for ScriptCs
Script pack for ASP.NET Web API. * Use this script pack to easily create an OWIN self-host, or configure an existing OWIN host * The host is wired up to discover in-memory controllers.
An extension to ScriptCs.Rebus for sending scripts over a bus for execution.
PVC Plugin that converts CommonMark files into HTML
ScriptCs.ComponentModel.Composition provide a ScriptCsCatalog to extend an application with the power of MEF and ScriptCs.
Some simple helpers for writing SignalR in C# scripts. The main purpose of this is to allow sending messages to clients without having to use the dynamic object, which is not supported by Roslyn (and therefore ScriptCs) at the time of writing.
A script pack for ScriptCS that brings in the ClrMD API and additional functionality around it for fast, powerful and flexible analysis of .NET applications.
ScriptCs Script Pack to interact with browsers
Simple.Web pack for ScriptCs.
ScriptCs script pack for Dynamics CRM 2011 / 2013 / 2015
A scriptcs script pack enabling the creation of scriptcs (.csx) build scripts.
Update: This NuGet package has been renamed to 'ScriptCs.Request' so please install that package ( instead since this package will not be maintained. Using this script pack you can write very simple declarative scripts for performing http reque...
PVC plugin: Sql
ScriptCs script pack for TestStack.BDDfy
Get a simple Cake context in your ScriptCs scripts