Top 20 NuGet result Packages

Extension methods to configure exception handler which write MVC action result to responce body. Userfull for writing objects
Operation libarary that enables railway oriented programming for c# similar to javascript's promises.
Clase encargada de encapsular todas las operaciones en la capa de negocio. .NET Standard 2.0
Progressive Download Library for WebApi 2
Easy and seamless caching implementation of any virtual method in any class.
A helper for returning Json data within mvc controller
Extensions to ResultMonad package to integrate with the HttpResult package. For more information see
Extensions to MaybeMonad package to integrate with the ResultMonad package. For more information see
Simple application of HttpResult monad by using System.Net.Http.HttpClient. For more information see
Extensions to the HttpResultMonad package. For more information see
Http Result monad for C#. In its core this monad enhances a type by adding a success/failure status and an http state. This type is meant to be used by operations that do Http calls. For more information see
Adds functional programming aspects using functions like Some, None, Ok, Error
Extends Rlx to support common ASP.NET MVC Core functions
Extends the FSharp.Control namespace to add Operations, a Railway-Oriented Programming framework compatible with Async Worfklows and the Task Parallel Library (TPL), including a Computation Expression Builder and library functions.
A .NET Standard library of choice (general discriminated union) types.
Select partial functions made to have warnings in F#
Search Results via SERP API. Hash, JSON, and HTML format supported for Google, Bing, Baidu, Yandex, Ebay, Google Product, Youtube, Wallmart and more...
Codoxide.Outcome<T> is an Either monad (or Result monad) for .NET Core.It allows for elegant happy path and error path handling through method chaining made available through a number of Extension libraries.
Codoxide.Outcome<T> is an Either monad (or Result monad) for .NET Core.It allows for elegant happy path and error path handling through method chaining made available through a number of Extension libraries.