Top 20 NuGet result Packages

AspNetCore.Mvc.HttpActionResults.ServerError is a collection of server error HTTP status code action results for ASP.NET Core MVC. See the project repository for more information and available features.
Common types and helpers for represent result of some operation.
Implementation of validation of a ResultType.
Codoxide.Outcome<T> is an Either monad (or Result monad) for .NET Core.It allows for elegant happy path and error path handling through method chaining made available through a number of Extension libraries.
Codoxide.Outcome<T> is an Either monad (or Result monad) for .NET Core.It allows for elegant happy path and error path handling through method chaining made available through a number of Extension libraries.
Codoxide.Outcome<T> is an Either monad (or Result monad) for .NET Core.It allows for elegant happy path and error path handling through method chaining made available through a number of Extension libraries.
Codoxide.Outcome<T> is an Either monad (or Result monad) for .NET Core.It allows for elegant happy path and error path handling through method chaining made available through a number of Extension libraries.
Source code package. Extension methods for timing out when waiting on a Task, with bypass that doesn't time out when the debugger is attached. Useful to detect deadlocked/slow tests.
Codoxide.Outcome<T> is an Either monad (or Result monad) for .NET Core.It allows for elegant happy path and error path handling through method chaining made available through a number of Extension libraries.
A assertion extensions of FluentResults for Nut.Results
.Net Core Test Result Parser Global Tool Usage: dotnet labodotnettestresultsparser [arguments] [options] Arguments: path The test result xml path. Options: --version Show version information -?|-h|--help Show help information -f|--format Unit test result xml format. Allowe...
AspNetCore.Mvc.HttpActionResults is a collection of HTTP status code action results and extension methods for ASP.NET Core MVC. See the project repository for more information and available features.
SoftwareCraft.Result represents the OOP implementation of a functional concept. Instead of throwing an exception, return a Result, and the code will be much cleaner and the intent much clearer.
Generic implementation of the operation result pattern that should fits most needs.
A robust option type for C#.
Codoxide.Outcome<T> is an Either monad (or Result monad) for .NET Core.It allows for elegant happy path and error path handling through method chaining made available through a number of Extension libraries.
Adds ASP.NET Core filters that translate from Result to ActionResult.
A C# framework for building railroad-oriented code with results.
A simple package to implement the FluentValidation in Result package.
XGENO.DBHelpers is a simple, easy-to-use and powerful OR Mapper for your database queries. It is set of extension methods (on the SQL Connection), which execute a SQL query (simple, parameterized, stored procs etc.) and return the data as a list of .NET objects (POCO classes that you have created). ...