Top 20 NuGet repository Packages

Provides interfaces for implementing a base DAL entity, base DAL mapper, base CRUD repository and base unit of work class
LDAP library using Novell.Directory.Ldap.NETStandard for use in Windows and Linux evironments.
Enum based repository implementation for a Quantify quantity
Extend EF Core to implement repository mode and unit work mode
This my framework infrastructure It help improve coding, support dynamic soft delete and Unit of work
Intregration SQL Server database with repository pettern and also losely couple code.
Intregration SQL Server database with repository pettern and also losely couple code.
This is an entity framework core manager which uses base repository pattern for models, caching of result and transaction base architecture
A library to aid in implementing a good Entity Framework-based Repository Pattern
A light weight repo for Entity Framework.
Mvc stuff for sitecore
Logic Data Access is a IQueryable Repository pattern implementation for LINQ To SQL and In-Memory storages.
An implementation of RepositoryController that requires OAuth authorization for API actions.
EF Repository for Ndf
Tired of rewriting your repository interface whenever you start a new project? This package provides a boilerplate repository interface and you can choose to provide your own implementation or use one of the existing Juanagui.Repositories implementations.
System.Data.Entity Repository Extension
Generic Repository Pattern and UnitOfWork implementation with base classes.
A light weight framework that provides implementations of commonly used design patterns for applications using a Domain Driven Design approach.
An easy to use Repository and UnitOfWork pattern for NHibernate.
Dao para utilização do mongo db - utiliza recursos do projeto mongorepository