Top 20 NuGet repository Packages

Abstract MongoDB repository base class.
Generic Repository Pattern implemented for EFCore 3.1 and .Net standart 2.1. Content: Fix package DI Fix access cache and more...
Package Description
Fluent HTTP client with python-requests like interface
Implementação de um domain core específico para sistemas da Telehelp, que habilita a criação de entidades, utilização de objetos de valor, extensão de entidades como Endereço, Telefone, Pessoas Física e Jurídica e Meios de pagamento.
The purpose of this library is to store cache data, the infrastructure "StackExchange.Redis" is fed, but this library offers more generic and clean architecture. This library was developed .NET Standard.
This library is designed for generic architecture based on mongodb. It can be used relationally because it has mapping feature. So, can make relational queries with defined rules.
The Repository and Service pattern implemented for both Entity Framework 6 and Core
C#/.Net building blocks supporting implementation of the repository and unit of work patterns compatible with both NoSQL and SQL / session-aware stores. See Ease.Repository.* packages for concrete implementations.
Provides interfaces for Data Access with IRepository<T> and IUnitOfWork. Also provides haviorial interfaces for entities like IIdentifiable, ICreatable, IModifiable, ISoftDeletable, ITranslatable, ILocalizable, ITenantScopable and IRowVersioned. Last but not least provides some types for Exceptions ...
Simple classes / tools / wrappers to manipulate data on Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB
Guard Clauses orginally created by Steve (Ardalis) Smith. This project adds additional guard clauses used in EXCSLA.Shared.Core. These guard clauses are meant to be used with the EXCSLA.Shared framework.
A Domain Driven shared library, containing basic components for setting up a domain. This package contains interfaces needed to implement various services within this framework.
This client library enables client applications targeting .NET Core to connect to Azure Cosmos DB via the DocumentDB (SQL) API with repository pattern. Azure Cosmos DB is a globally distributed, multi-model database service.
Cosmos DB implementation for the Repository pattern.
Abstractions for Repository pattern
Generic Repository Design Pattern icin Base Repository fonksiyonlarinin implementation edildigi ABSTRACT class'i iceren .Net Core 2.2 projesidir