Top 20 NuGet ravendb Packages

a resilient abstract data access. StartPoint ECommerce.DataAccess based on Hexagonal architecture gives you the capacity to access any data source with retrying and fallback action
a resilient abstract data access. StartPoint ECommerce.DataAccess based on Hexagonal architecture gives you the capacity to access any data source with retrying and fallback action
a resilient abstract data access. StartPoint ECommerce.DataAccess based on Hexagonal architecture gives you the capacity to access any data source with retrying and fallback action
RavenDB Dependency Injection for ASP .NET Core 2.x
Log4net Appender for RavenDB
Adds entries for each RavenDb query to the MiniProfiler results table.
Stand-alone RavenDB index builder, used in CI systems and automated deployments
MembershipProvider, RoleProvider, SessionStateStoreProvider with RavenDb backend.
Support for RavenDB
A set of tools targeted for RavenDB
The lucene NGram analyzer for RavenDB.
MiniProfiler extensions and helpers for RavenDb
This package provides an alternative to creating unique constraints in RavenDb
This library contains core classes to easily get you started building DDD applications
RavenDB.DependencyInjection makes it easy to put your Raven doc store and document session into AspNetCore's dependency injection container.
a lightweight thread safe in-process queue for .net
ravendb implement for doulexFramework
This is NLog custom target, made with .NET Standard Library (1.6+), able to send logs to RavenDb. Inspired by: