Top 20 NuGet ravendb Packages

a resilient abstract data access. StartPoint ECommerce.DataAccess based on Hexagonal architecture gives you the capacity to access any data source with retrying and fallback action
RavenDB structured logging provider for .net core 3.1. Store your logs in a RavenDB database and query them easily.
MiniProfiler: Profiler storage for RavenDB
A RavenDB implementation of the generic repository pattern.
Support for RavenDB (embedded)
Use RavenDb for persisting read and write models
Library for implementing transparent encryption of fields and/or properties and persisting to RavenDB.
RavenDB storage for CacheCow entity tag store
Helper functions for WebApi OData, that enables $inlinecount=allpages
ASP.NET Membership and RoleProvider, with RavenDb as backend, for use in MVC applications.
RavenDb Saga persistence for MassTransit
An embedded RavenDB powered event store for MementoFX
A wrapper that allows you to easily use a RavenDB Embedded NoSQL database : Add, Update, Delete and Query without any configuration. See GitHub wiki for code snippets.
A fully async RavenDB implementation of AspNet.Identity
This package offers the ability to use RavenDb 4.0 as a storage engine for ASP.NET Core 2.0 Identity
a resilient abstract data access. StartPoint ECommerce.DataAccess based on Hexagonal architecture gives you the capacity to access any data source with retrying and fallback action
a resilient abstract data access. StartPoint ECommerce.DataAccess based on Hexagonal architecture gives you the capacity to access any data source with retrying and fallback action
a resilient abstract data access. StartPoint ECommerce.DataAccess based on Hexagonal architecture gives you the capacity to access any data source with retrying and fallback action
a resilient abstract data access. StartPoint ECommerce.DataAccess based on Hexagonal architecture gives you the capacity to access any data source with retrying and fallback action