Top 20 NuGet pubsub Packages

Project containing the V5 models used in TwitchLib.Api
Project containing the Helix models used in TwitchLib.Api
Project containing the core models used in TwitchLib.Api
Project containing the core of TwitchLib.Api
StackExchange.Redis.Extensions.AspNetCore is a library that has a set of extensions method fpr ASP.NET Core
Project containing the V5 section of TwitchLib.Api
Project containing the Helix section of TwitchLib.Api
Project containing all of the interfaces used in TwitchLib.Api
Project containing the enums of TwitchLib.Api
WampSharp above Fleck, Newtonsoft.Json and NewtonsoftMessagePack
WampSharp above Newtonsoft.Json, NewtonsoftMessagePack and System.Net.WebSockets
WampSharp above Fleck, Newtonsoft.Json, NewtonsoftMessagePack, and System.Net.WebSockets
WampSharp WAMP1 default binding, implemented using Newtonsoft.Json, WebSocket4Net and Fleck
Vtortola transport for WampSharp
Provides a simple, effective sync and async library for interacting with NATS Server. It uses IObservable so it is ReactiveX (RX) friendly.
Provides Ethernet (and UDP) communication features, using the PacketDotNet and SharpPcap libraries. Use with OpcLabs.QuickOpc for OPC UA PubSub transport protocol mappings based on Ethernet, or for work with Ethernet or UDP capture files.
Provides MQTT communication features, using the MQTTnet library and its extensions. Use with OpcLabs.QuickOpc for OPC UA PubSub transport protocol mappings based on MQTT.
Provides MQTT communication features, using the System.Net.Mqtt library. Use with OpcLabs.QuickOpc for OPC UA PubSub transport protocol mappings based on MQTT.
JSON Encoding for assisting with sending and consuming JSON messages using MyNatsClient which provides a simple, effective sync and async library for interacting with NATS Server. It uses IObservable so it is ReactiveX (RX) friendly.
StackExchange.Redis.Extensions is a library that extends StackExchange.Redis allowing you a set of functionality needed by common applications. To store complex data It requires one of the following implementations: - StackExchange.Redis.Extensions.Newtonsoft - ...