Top 20 NuGet project Packages

Provides a default starting point for setting up a new WebApi service which includes Its.Configuration and Its.Log with a set of classes that preconfigure numerous defaults.
The NUnit project editor allows easy editing of NUnit projects. It supports a form-based interface for editing properties as well as a rudimentary XML editor. This package includes only the editor, which is also available as a part of the NUnit.Runners package.
Core library for NetOffice, the .NET Wrapper Assemblies for accessing MS Office applications: Office, Excel, Word, Outlook, PowerPoint, Access, Project, Visio
Core library for NetOffice, the .NET Wrapper Assemblies for accessing MS Office applications: Office, Excel, Word, Outlook, PowerPoint, Access, Project, Visio. This NuGet package targets the .NET Framework 4.5
Sql-based implementation of the event store Shuttle.Recall projection interfaces.
.NET Standard library for reading .NET solution and project files.
Core library for NetOffice, the .NET Wrapper Assemblies for accessing MS Office applications: Office, Excel, Word, Outlook, PowerPoint, Access, Project, Visio. This NuGet package targets the .NET Framework 4.0
Additional classes and methods complementary too VSLangProj from Microsoft
Configurable Clean Architecture template containing the DDD + CQRS approach for .NET Core applications.
A .NET CLI tool for creating and managing projects in a folder structure suitable for Hexagonal Architecture and Microservices. Is similar to how Angular CLI tool uses commands to create components, modules, services, etc.
The Clean Architecture Solution Template popularized by Steve @ardalis Smith. Provides a great starting point for modern and/or DDD solutions built with .NET 8 and C# 12. Features zero tight coupling to database or data access technology.
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Automatically creates a NuGet package from your project each time it builds. The NuGet package is placed in the project's output directory. If you want to use a .nuspec file, place it in the same directory as the project's project file (e.g. .csproj, .vbproj, .fsproj). This adds a PostBuildScripts...
Generates the ThisAssembly partial class and adds a Project property containing properties from the source project file. These might be useful for conditional behaviors, diagnostics and tracing, and more. Included properties are: AssemblyName, RootNamespace, ProjectGuid, TargetFrameworkVers...
Provides a default starting point for setting up a new JWT OAuth server which includes Its.Configuration and Its.Log with a set of classes that preconfigure numerous defaults. All you have to do is provide service setup and your actual authentication (one method implementation).
A tool for building, visualizing and analysing complex project dependencies.
DPB is a tool that allows developers to automatically generate project code. You can add annotations to the code templates, and use DPB to automatically filter or generate code to build a complete new project.
ProjectTo allows you to auto map ORM entity classes to your own classes in LINQ queries.