Top 20 NuGet powershell Packages

Provides message types and client/server APIs for the PowerShell Editor Services JSON protocol.
Legacy package of the PSGallery module Xmlips.
DbWebApi Client PowerShell Modules.
Powershell module to deploy BTDF biztalk application Msi for continous automated deployment. This script was tested with Biztalk 2013 R2 and BTDF 5.6RC
TuyaTech PowerShell Loader loads any PowerShell scripts in a Visual Studio Solution to make them accessible in the Package Manager Console. Script files are run directly. Module files are imported. An init.ps1 file may be included in a Project to import all modules in one step in case there are d...
A package module for PsMake, enforcing the same *.nupkg packages version is used in multiple c# projects
Helpful utilities for MVC projects.
The 'dependencies' section lists the set of .NET Core packages that PowerShell Core depends on in Windows Server 2016 GA release of NanoServer. This package also includes the PowerShell Core runtime assemblies built for the GA release of NanoServer.
Adds support for triggering PowerShell scripts on build events in Visual Studio. Instead of using the Build Events of visual studio, this allows you to create PowerShell scripts that is called on different build steps.
This nuget package adds a convention to Visual Studio projects to allow building .config files depending on environment. For example, if developers has different databases configured in web.config, this package can support each developer with a unique web.config.
PowerShell module for publishing another module's help system as a website.
Provides Visual Studio package mangement console cmdlets to work with FluentMigrator's migrations.
Execute PowerShell scripts via an ASP.NET Web API endpoint
PowerShell extentions for use async and await in powershell
Provide bootstrap script to help execute continuous actions. It simplify usage of manifest PowerShell modules referenced through packages.config.
Contains the SDK reference assemblies for PowerShell version 2
Provides Visual Studio package mangement console cmdlets to work with FluentMigrator's migrations.