Top 20 NuGet powershell Packages

A test runner module for PowerShell, supporting TDD- and BDD-style test cases, NUnit-compatible test results, batch running or ISE F5 testing, and setup/teardown constructs. Part of the PSST PowerShell Suite for Testing.
A git provider for Powershell that helps you to manage and query git repositories in a machine.
PowerShell script for generating acknowledgements pages from a project's NuGet package configuration
deploy you a build support
Build and deployment ultilities
A PowerShell module to easily edit MsBuild project files.
Is a simple PowerShell script for managing semantic versioning.
PowerShell setup scripts for IIS to use with Octopus
A package to manage a transifex repository inside a Visual Studio solution. It wraps the tx.exe executable from for simple calls
Simple and yet effective script debugging, tracing, coverage, and other tools. They are designed for any PowerShell host and may be used in the NuGet console for debugging and testing NuGet and Visual Studio specific scripts.
Variacao tupiniquim do excelente pacote MagicEightBall de Phil Haack
RespClient is a minimal RESP(REdis Serialization Protocol) client for C# and PowerShell.
Write your .NET configuration files in PowerShell
The best nuget ever
PowerShell CmdLets for the native Windows Imaging API (WIMGAPI)
A module and powershell scripts to deploy custom cultures in environments with limited privileges, such as Azure.
A C# library for parsing the contents of Managed Object Format (MOF) files
A fluent interface based powershell unit testing framework.
PowerShell Support for Tracing HTTP Redirects.