Top 20 NuGet plugin Packages

Choice Word Button Group
Button Xamarin
Accordion Xamarin
Windows native plugin host for XPNet. Write plugins for X-Plane in .NET languages like C#. Platforms supported by this package: - Windows x64 - Windows x86
Choice Image, Navigator Images
Response Wrapper Plugin for LVDGW
Imports Dynamics 365 portal entities.
JWT Authentication Plugin for LVDGW
IP Info Enrichment Plugin for LVDGW
Configuration Microservice Plugin for LVDGW
The exported records are saved using DataContractSerializer into a XML file.
An easy and practical icon button with a unique and beautiful design. Contains several properties ColorUI, Width, Height and type.
SVG Views with skiasharp
This library allows you to develop plugins to extend functionality and change behaviour of the iikoFront application.
Force Update Microservice Plugin for LVDGW
Debbugging Dynamics CRM IPlugin and CodeActivity Execute method without deployment and profiling. Use to imporve quality and productivity of your Dynamics CRM testing and debugging.
An easy and practical icon button with a unique and beautiful design (Standard). Contains several properties IconType, ColorUI, Width, Height and type.
Manage logs easily