Top 20 NuGet plugin Packages

Simple Module Management allowing Projects to use modular approaches
Plugin Description
This is a test plugin as a POC to submit to Nuget package
A cross-platform API for authenticating users and storing their accounts.
JSQL platform's .NetFramework MVC integration plugin
A beautiful, elegant and easy-to-use Coloredbox (List/Table) with incredible convenience, with multiple colors in title available.
This library allows you to develop plugins to extend functionality and change behaviour of the iikoFront application.
Input/TextBox internal with Image(User image and Default Image).
Abstractions of Modularity.Core
Create toast messages for Xamarin Forms (Android only)
USB plugin for Xamarin Forms (Android only)
Create notifications for Xamarin Forms (Android only)
Plugin Description
Plugin Description
Plugin Description
Waterfall CollectionView with custom height for each item and more for Xamarin Android and iOS
An easy and practical InputWithLabel with a unique functionality. Contains several properties ColorUI in Left and Right labels, Width, Height and anothers.
Authentication Microservice Plugin for LVDGW
Plugin Description