Top 20 NuGet pagination Packages

Blazorized Server Side Customized Data Table Component with Pager and Pagination
A library for seamlessly adding pagination to your dotnet core web api.
Reusable Component for generating pagination
Library of web tools for ASP.NET MVC
Extension methods and javascript/css for rendering my datagrid component in web pages
UrlPager is a lightweight custom paging control for webform applications, it supports url routing and page through page index parameter in the url. UrlPager requires .Net Framework 3.5 sp1 or higher versions. Project home: English: Chinese: http://www.webdi...
Simple paginator for Linq (EF)
A collection of reusable abstractions for .NET application developer: caching, IoC, pagination, repository, application services, unit of work, background processing, exception trace policy, work item, etc.
A simple UserControl that shows the data-table and paging automatically. With this library, you can also edit the data and it will be saved to the database automatically.
Provides pagination and ordination to linq queries. Compatible with lazy load.
Pagination with no dependecies. Can be used for extracting data with entity framework with convenience
Contains a data structure for representing paged lists in an easy way
This jquery plugin adds pagination to horizontal HTML Table. Reference to jquery and jquery ui javascript files required before using this plugin
Usage: In your view @using ExicoAspMvcPaging @Html.Raw(Html.RenderPaging(Model.PagingInfo.TotalItemCount, Model.PagingInfo.ItemsPerPage, new PagerOptions() { PageParam = "CurrentPage", ...
An easy pagination library for EF Core.
A simple Entity Framework pagination with filtering, sorting, grouping.
A simple paged list for dotnet applications
Pagination, sorting, filtering, projection and expanding library for .NET Core