Top 20 NuGet pagination Packages

FlipViewIndicator for pagination
Data pagination Logic
Renders HTML pager, works nicely with Bootstrap CSS
Renders HTML pager, works nice with Bootstrap css. For usage in .NET 4.6 / MVC 5
Provides filter, pagination and ordination to grids. Using Razor Views with only foreach statements. highly performative and easy to configure. Compatible with ORM like Entity Framework.
Simple library to implement pagination in .NET.
Package link page header with pagination for entity framework
Easily paging in ASP.NET MVC that get data as chunks from database
An abstraction layer for supporting pagination.
Common types and interfaces for pagination
Repository project that use Entity Framework and Dynamic Linq to provide useful methods for read and write entities with filter, pagination and ordination.
Create simple pagination handling for items in ASP.NET core for MicrosoftEntityFramework and Simple list of items
Asp.NET Core MVC integration for the Delve library.
A .NET Core package to help in the process of consuming query data from APIs.
Helper classes and methods to work with pagination.
Pagination component for core Blazor.
Generic Repository Pattern implemented for EFCore 3.1 and .Net standart 2.1. Content: Fix package DI Fix access cache and more...
N.Pag - easy pagination for web api.
PaginationHelper.Core provides PaginationHelper types that can be shared between servers and clients!