Top 20 NuGet notification Packages

prmToolkit É um projeto com várias classes de apoio ao outros projetos. # Notification Classe responsável por gerenciar validações de argumentos. VANTAGENS >Trabalha de forma estática não precisando criar uma nova intancia do objeto >É possível validar argumentos em várias camadas, centralizand...
این نسخه از کامپوننت امکان پشتیبانی از زبان فارسی و متون راست به چپ را دارا می باشد
Simple Pushover API client targeting NetStandard
Firebase push notification client
Push notification entities
Vapid Push notification client
Crouton is a class that can be used by Android developers that feel the need for an alternative to the Context insensitive Toast.
Azure notification Messaging component does not provide all api's e.g.(Send Notification, Get Tags). This package covered below features in first release. 1. Send Notification directly from app without backend system. 2. It communicates with azure notification hub using SAS Authentication mechanis...
This is a nuget package for showing server side notification in client side
notification pack for Variel Creatives
Collection of tools for advanced handling of Clipboard data (virtual files), change notifications etc.
Provides a notification object that collects errors and warnings.
The models library used to the notification ECommerce Event platform
Solução alternativa as DialogBox/MessageBox padrões WinForms.
Support library that allows defining a cross-platform context menu.
.NET Standard Fluent Specification Structure combined with a Notification Pattern