Top 20 NuGet notification Packages

This is a Google Cloud Messaging helper for C#. Currently only messaging is supported, I am currently working on adding functionality to manage device groups and use of Google's Instance-Id system. If you have any questions or issues please either message me on nuget or open an issue on the repo.
This package adds Rails-like flash functionality to your MVC controllers, backed by the excellent Toastr JavaScript notification library. Flash notifications are persisted through redirects and are removed when shown.
prmToolkit É um projeto responsável por dar apoio a outros projetos. # ArgumentsValidator Classe responsável por gerenciar validações de argumentos. VANTAGENS >Podemos realizar validações indivíduais ou em grupos >É possível levantar uma exceção ou captura-las
Material Message Box for WPF and Silverlight
LogPusher .Net Connector for LogPusher Notification System. Fore more help please send email [email protected]
Fluent interface for PullingHook
Memory storage for PullingHook
Biblioteca para registro e envio de notificação (Push) utilizando Azure Notification Hub.
This library contains the default implementation for interfaces defined in LFNT.Net.Core by invoking RESTful API.
Redis Messaging Hub is a dotnetcore 1.x library that utilizes Redis pub/sub features along with Web Sockets to provide a streamlined and stable messaging system. Some advantages include the ability to send messages to a client from anywhere by simply publishing to a channel from any location.
sensenet Notification Portlets contains UI elements built on ASP.NET and the sensenet WebPages component.
sensenet Notification makes it possible to automatically notify users by email when something happens in the Content Repository.
A server-side library for sending Push Notifications to iOS/OSX (APNS), Android/Chrome (GCM), Windows Phone/Windows (WNS), Amazon (ADM), Blackberry and Firefox OS
A CloudWatch Logs appender for log4net. Direct your log events to CloudWatch Logs. Part of the CloudWatchAppender/AWSAppender project which also includes support for CloudWatch, CloudWatch Logs and Simple Queue Service (SQS).
Allows you to notify a mobile phone by SMS over provider.
Provides client side notifications features using toastr and sweet js in asp net core mvc project
This package is relatively unmaintained. See for more information.
React Native Push Notification (react-native-push-notification) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
An asynchronous C# library for sending Firebase push notifications