Top 20 NuGet moq Packages

A web api controller fluent mocking utility
Wraps common mocking patterns in descriptive methods. This makes it easy to write tests that read like functional specifications of the application.
Brings an AutoMockFeature which initializes AutoFixture with Moq.
Allows package authors to supply re-uable mocks for their library
OBSOLETE! Use Install-Package Moqqer
Supports checking that Moq setups are executed in sequence.
CreateObjectOfType is a helper framework for reduce the amount of boilerplate code required to test objects using DI and Moq.
This provides an implementation of the Moq library for Script CS.
A simple package to speed up the assertion of parameters of methods mocked with Moq
Contains Extensions to verify the order of invocation on mocks.
Container that creates mocks for all the dependencies of a class.
Automatic test subject mocking using Moq.
AutoMoq built for Unity5
Automatically Moq dependencies encountered through Splat's Locator.
Unit test extensions for Unity and Moq
Simple lib for testing context covers common test issues