Top 20 NuGet moq Packages

Assembly that provides assistance in testing Dapper methods, allows for Verify and Setup with sql and parameters. This version is based on original project for NetFramework:
Library of helpers for testing using the Moq mocking framework
Library which aims to ease unit and integration testing of ASP.NET Web API controllers. Reduces friction by providing a helper class which populates the Request, User and Url properties of the controller and handle their related data dependencies.
Testing library providing a fluent tdd/bdd testing approach. Easily extended and integrated into your own testing tools (nunit, xunit, moq, etc). Encourages the creation of easier to read and maintain testing code via the use of fluent builders for scenario's, given/when/thens, Moq verification,...
Testing helpers for using Ninject.MockingKernel.Moq with EntityFramework.
Provides base class with generic methods for testing
Foq2 is a lightweight thread-safe mocking library for F# 4 with a similar API to Moq.
A simple package to speed up the creation of unit fixtures with NUnit
Use NCase in combination with NUnit to write your parametrized tests. This adapter library contains the Nunit specific `ActAndAssert` extension method. Website and source code: NCase allows to define, combine, visualize and replay hundreds of test cases with a ...
Use NCase in combination with Xunit to write your parametrized tests. This adapter library contains the Nunit specific `ActAndAssert` extension method. Website and source code: NCase allows to define, combine, visualize and replay hundreds of test cases with a ...
Provides classes that use the Moq mocking framework. This provides easy mock setup, tracking of command executions, including parameter values.
Just a gross over simplification of how to test EF6+. This helper uses the guidance from the EF team and wraps it in a helper class that allows it to return Moq objects for unit testing. Its really just a way to hide the cruft so we can all do better testing.
Faster way to mock the objects, to verify them, to create poco objects
Mocks of Owin Framework interfaces to use in your unit tests
Library that provides methods that will help you with mocking EntityFramework.
Common infrastructure for tests
Core dependency for AssertNET: AssertJ style fluent assertions for .NET Standard.
Extension methods for Moq library which allows setting the out parameter from a callback