Top 20 NuGet mapping Packages

A library for mapping binary data onto .NET primitive types. Mapping to objects of custom classes also supported.
A fluent cross-db object-relational mapping api.
Support for integration with MiniProfiler
DTO-Model mapping utility for Takenet's applications
Mapping base
Does property and field mapping between two objects. Can also ignore specified members or map between members with different names. Mapping members can even be returned from delegates.
a library which lets you map flat objects to nested objects containing the same data
A query mapper for OData v4.0, Automapper style. This extension allows you to have a different domain model than your database model, and still be able to pass the OData query down to the database.
A convention based and old school 'solve it with plain code' approach to mapping a Model object to a Dto object using code generation.
MiniMapper is small framework for mapping the properties from one object to another. MiniMapper.Attributes contains the attributes to put on the class you are mapping from. You will need MiniMapper.Core to create the maps and to do the mapping.
Quick and easy library for object-to-object mapping. NOT support configuration mapping.
Map a hierarchy of entities when loading from a SQL connection. Also grab PicnicOrm.Dapper for a IGridReader implementation using Dapper.
.NET library for mapping to and from contract types using Max.
The common library to map objects.
A lightweight object mapping library.
Useful type utilities
MappingEngine for OneBox
Useful type utilities
Roslyn analyzer that enforces mapper classes to mention every property of the mapped object