Top 20 NuGet mapping Packages
Enables JavaScript Intellisense for the Bing Maps v7.0 Ajax Map Control in Visual Studio.
Map objects to Lucene.Net Documents and vice versa. Query for Documents based on their mapped types.
Map a DataTable to an Enumerable of objects
Fast and robust layer for accessing databases. SQL Server, MySQL, Aurora, MariaDB, Sqlite and PostgrSQL. Designed for people that prefer to use stored procedures but works equally well for ad-hoc queries. Does not generate SQL statements from LINQ expressions.
A library that defines interface for a generic mapper
FlexMapper is the counterpart to AutoMapper. While AutoMapper uses primary a lot of Reflection stuff to map the values of two classes or object, FlexMapper focuses the pointedly manual mapping. AutoMapper is a great solution if you just want to map simple objects, like ViewModels or data-transfer ob...
BootSharp libs handling Data related object and basic implementations.
BootSharp basic data import manager
Extension to Umbraco Vault for adding uComponents support.
MapEnforcerAnalyzer needs markers to function. This library contain two such markers, MapperAttribute and ExcludeFromMappingAttribute. The first says where the check should be performed, the second excludes source properties from the analysis.
An object mapping to xml file. Quicky CURD xml like object.
MapLess is a minimal Micro-ORM library to map database objects to application interfaces.
A very light library for mapping objects between different types.
Library for generating POCO classes from a SQL database or applying changes to a SQL database based on POCO classes and attributes.
A container for DRY object mapping
A high performance content-object mapper for Umbraco. u2 support both sync and async. u2 uses Examine and Lucene query directly and has build-in caching, which makes it extremely fast. u2 uses a convention-based matching algorithm to auto match up content fields to object properties and fluent API...
Reflection mapper wrapper for AutoMapper