Top 20 NuGet msbuild Packages

ConsoleApp Template package for MSBuild.Sdk.CMake
MSBuild task to generate a managed assembly that defines "preprocessor" constants
MSBuild Sdk dla dodatków do produktów Soneta
Package Description
The easiest way to turn your Blazor application into a PWA with offline capabilities. Add this package to your build process and it will generate the files you need to become PWA compatible. This does not make your application ready for distribution through "App Stores" - it just provides basic PWA ...
Strict control over which references are allowed (assembly / package / project).
Farkle's integration with MSBuild. Using this package on a project will precompile its grammars ahead of time when it is built. Building projects that use the precompiler with Visual Studio for Windows or with the .NET Framework-based "msbuild" command also requires a matching version of https://nu...
Helper package to use with build servers. Contains all CodeContracts binaries and integrates into MSBuild build process.
Creates deterministic assembly and pdb not depend on project location
Commandline tool and MSBuild task for C# assembly classes/references/resources cleaner.
Package to enable the .capnp -> .cs file generation during build time
Allow to declare 'InternalsVisibleTo' in the csproj file, rather than declaring them to an AssemblyInfo.cs file.
Code generator for Tanka GraphQL library
Code generator for Tanka GraphQL library
Gathers licenses of a project and/or solution as a JSON file.
MSBuild targets for updating Assembly version during build process. AssemblyInfo can be set by initializing MSBuild property $(AssemblyVersionNumber) before MSBuild target AssemblyVersionUpdate is called.
读写文件升级NuGet库,修复 NuGet 库引用
读写文件升级NuGet库,修复 NuGet 库引用