Top 20 NuGet msbuild Packages

MSBuild task to run FSharpLint.
Xamarin iOS MSBuild targets for chaning CFBundleVersion and CFBundleShortVersionString in Info.plist file
Xamarin iOS MSBuild targets for labelin app icons with custom text
This package contains the Microsoft.Build.Conversion assembly which contains logic for converting projects. NOTE: This assembly is deprecated.
Provides the $(IsCIBuild) property which allows detecting that the current build is being performed in a continuous integration server. Supports TeamCity, AppVeyor, MyGet, Jenkins and Wrench.
A simple Cake addin for invoking Scripty to run Roslyn-powered C# scripts for code generation.
This is an MSBuild Runtime assembly utilzied by the Dynamics CRM Developer toolkit.
Just by installing this package, a disc image file (.iso) that contains the output files will be created in the output folder when building the project (at default configuration, it works only "Release" build). This MSBuild task support both UDF and CDFS(ISO9660) format.
Provides the Update target so that target files can update themselves from an $(UpdateUrl) by comparing a defined $(ETag) property.
Allows you to create post-build MSBuild tasks within the currently building assembly
Discovers installed Visual Studio versions, their install and VSSDK directories.
This assembly provides Build and Deploy tasks for SSIS MSBuild
A cross-platform msbuild/xbuild task for transforming T4 templates. Depends on MSBuild 14.0
See usage info here:
See usage info here:
See usage info here:
SDK for F# bundled inside .NET Core SDK
MSBuild tool for ASP.NET Core to pack wwwroot contents into embedded resources.