Top 20 NuGet mobile Packages

Metrica Mobile SDK for Windows Phone
Application assemblies for the Correspondence collaboration framework. Add the package Correspondence.App for source files.
Multiple-client test suite for the Correspondence collaboration framework. Add the package Correspondence.UnitTest for source files.
MVC application template for the Correspondence collaboration framework. Add the package Correspondence.Web.App for source files.
MarkedUp Analytics SDK for all .NET platforms: WinForms, WPF, Windows Phone, Windows Store, WinJS, and more! Learn more at
OmniPage Cloud Service (OCS) is a SaaS solution that provides document processing services. The goals of OCS are to • enable no-setup usage of Nuance’s Capture SDK. • provide a ready-to-use, solid and scaling document conversion platform for ISVs. • enable the development of OCR-intensive applica...
Name has changed. Please search for AFrame.Web
Name has changed. Please search for AFrame.Desktop
Name has changed. Please search for AFrame.Mobile
AFrame is a common automation framework built ontop of Selenium for Web Apps, Microsoft CodedUI for Desktop Apps and Appium for Mobile Apps. Utilizing the page object pattern and many others, AFrame gives your automation scripts the ability to be maintainable, flexible, and relia...
As the operation of Shanghai SmartMad Advertising Co., Ltd., SmartMad is the most intelligent mobile phone application advertising platform in China. It is designed to fulfill the precise marketing objectives for the advertiser and create the maximum benefits for the developer relying on advanced wi...
QUnit installation into Bridge.NET projects.
QUnit Sample installation into Bridge.NET projects.
A cross platform mobile framework for automating acceptance tests
Provides Android-specific renderers and types.
A starter package paired with Joyride.Specflow to quickly get you up and running
Yahoo App Publishing provides a flexible ad-serving platform that is easy to set up and use, enabling you to maximize your ad revenue and engage actively with your users. As a Publisher, you can drive revenue by creating banners, interstitials, native and video ads for your app.