Top 20 NuGet logging Packages

This is the ASP.NET Core 2.x adapter for the Logfile library capable of logging information in a structured way, retaining the information instead of just serializing it all into a human readable string.
Provides simple and extensible framework for application logging
Library was created for logging method calls, exceptions, property changes and additional data selected by the user from a solution, and saving the logs in a file with clear, transparent and readable format. Currently logger works only with .Net Framework.
Lexim Logging Library
A simple, single-line console logger for ASP.NET Core 3.0.
Serilog integration for ConfigCat.Client - simple .NET logging with fully-structured events
NLog implementation of the Joubert.Logging.Interfaces.ILogService
Forward EventSource messages to an underlying logger. This could be e.g. the event log. This library eliminates the need to do both in-process event tracing (via EventSource) and logging. Instead use this library to forward a subset of events to the event log.
Package Description
Simple file provider for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
Allows Common.Logging to write messages to Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.
Contains Windows Controls for logging output
Simple log4net appender which logs to the API.
Package Description
Logging package used by XKernel
A small kernel can be used in your application as helpers, logging, and other tools
NLog adapter for Common Logging Framework.
A NLog target which will send log messages to the LogDNA Provider.