Top 20 NuGet logging Packages

NLog implementation for LogFramework's ILogger and ILoggerFactory abstractions.
Microsoft.Extensions.Logging implementation for LogFramework's ILogger and ILoggerFactory abstractions.
Xlogger extensions for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
XLogger adapter to write logs in the console
Extensible, open-source and cross-platform logging for .NET
This abstract appender uses concurrent collections and tasks to enable asynchronous and concurrent batch processing of LoggingEvents. The configuration enables to specify: - the max number of concurrent processors (tasks) that are handling log batches - the max logs batch size - the appender closin...
Library provides Serilog integration with AppInsights
Everyday diagnostics for every day.
Package Description
Rich, extensible logging solution for .Net Standard 2.0.
You can log everything to ElasticSearch using ECS schema and logstash.
Cross-platform library to make logging easier
This abstract appender extends the log4net.AsyncAppender package and enabled the configuration of an http endpoint and provides an HttpClient instance and methods to create and send the request. An IEventJsonSerializer contract is provided in order to enable plugging in a custom json serializer (if...
This appender extends the log4net.AsyncAppender.HttpEndpoint package and enabled the configuration of the elasticsearch endpoint using: url, url tokens and connection string. Bulk send is always enabled. By default, the connection string and the log document follow the templates and conventions def...