Top 20 NuGet localization Packages

Sample implementation of i18n package
Part of a package to making i18n easy for ASP.NET devs
Add-on for Knoema.Localization framework to make it extremely easy to localize JavaScript and HTML templates
Entity Framework provider for Knoema.Localization
Quickly bootstrap FubuLocalization inside a FubuMVC application
MvcLanguageUrls adds language switch to every url in the MVC appplication. It has the ability to redirect or change language switch in urls. More info:
Installs available localized resources into the management directory.
Xource - Localizing content of your MVC site with Excel spreadsheet using EPPlus The basic idea is to use Microsoft Excel worksheet as content container for MVC web sites.
A modified version of the MvcRouteTester package with support for Localized routes by specifying a custom IDirectRouteProvider implementation.
Globalization package for ASP.NET MVC applications. The package contains the database resource provider model, which allows you to store resources in database in a really easy way. What is more, a dedicated online tool ( can be used to localize resources.
Create client side (JavaScript) based Resource Localization in any web application. Extremely light-weight library, just 3KB (Minified) and 8KB(Debug) version. Implementing client side localization into any web application is always challenge. Most of web technologies provide localization using ser...
ASP.NET MVC localization library
Algorithms related to text processing
A simplification of the configuration of location in .net core
An ASP NET CORE Middleware for site/api localization.
Aurochses.Xunit.AspNetCore.Mvc.Localization is a library for creating xUnit tests for ASP.NET Core MVC Localization.
The Localization Library basic localization support.
A toolkit for creating multilingual ASP.NET Core web applications.
LocalizationExtension is a really easy way to localize any type of DependencyProperties or native Properties on DependencyObjects This package is signed with strong named. Public Key Token da17a8a04a0e3b31