Top 20 NuGet localization Packages

Database independent ASP.NET Core localization library
Json Localization for .net
CSV export/import implementation for DbLocalizationProvider
i18N-Complete ASP.NET MVC 4 tools. Real world i18N - .po based localization for Javascript, ASP.NET MVC 4, and ASP.NET WebForms.
Owin Globalization Module. It substitutes the classcical Globalization module. Supported cultures specification. Best match with all suppported cultures. Culture stored in url and/or cookie. If no culture is found in cookie or Url a best match between supported cultures and the cultures spe...
Provides services, classes and interfaces used in localization, including localization of type information. Check the documentation and the samples from and Kephas Fr...
Package Description
Localization class library abstractions
Yarhl plugin with support of text converters.
Library with features for implementing file formats, converters and a virtual file system.
JSON Localization Resources for .NetCore 3.0 and 5.0
Localizer functionality translating text properties in Windows Forms controls.
A .NET Standard implementation of the GNU Gettext library.
A Window WPF library for .net that can help you to manage the localization in your application. The library uses Mafe.Localization
A MVC library for .net that can help you to manage the localization in your application. The library uses Mafe.Localization
AKSoftware.Localization.MultiLanguages is a .NET library that allows .NET developers to build applications that targets multiple languages very easy just with few lines of code, Blazor extensions helps the library to track the status of the components and update them whenever the SetLanguage functio...
Inject the code that generate PropertyChanged event on property that has the attribute 'Localize' when the Language of the Localization changed
An MVC package that simplifies route localization of attribute routes.
This project is a cross platform library for Xamarin, which enables a handy use of localization in your applications.