Top 20 NuGet library Packages

Simply facade library over System.Net.Mail API.
Makes easy tasks easier.
A portable NoSql database for .NET applications with a single table per file. The field types are native CLR types, and arrays of the same, eg: Int32, Boolean, Byte[]. Multiple databases can be joined using LINQ.
Creates and parses HL7 files.
Class library for .NET. Provides extension logic for MusixXml files.
Class library for .NET. Provides extension logic for authorization.
A WPF UI Library
.net rest client
.net rest client
WaveFunctionCollapse in C# .Net
Package Description
DigitalFlare Oxy. XApp.
DigitalFlare Oxy. Extensions of Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration components.
The QR Code library allows your program to create (encode) QR Code image. The attached source code is a visual studio solution. The solution targets .NET framework (net462) and .NET standard (netstandard2.0). The source code is written in C#. It is an open source code. For test/demo application vis...
Package Description
Providing common functions
Providing common functions that support testing