Top 20 NuGet language Packages

Extension library for String class, specially optimized for "Hangul Jamo System" Required - .NET 4.0 or higher - Windows Phone 7.5 or higher - Windows Store Apps - Silverlight 5 or higher
Determines sentiments and detects 17 languages (including English, German, Italian and French).
A simple localization extension for WPF.
The Sitecore Item Versioner module adds a new ribbon into the versions chunk of the Content Editor. With the new ribbon it is possible to initially create an item version in all configured languages (under /sitecore/system/Languages). It will only create a new version if there is not already a versi...
Multi-language support by INI file. Frameword 3.5 Source Code :
Easy to use library to use Page Object Markup Language (.poml) files with LINQ queries
ASP.NET MVC Multi Language
Language translator for c#
Jql is a url friendly query language which has the capability to directly generate a linq expression.
ILMerge.Tools repackages Microsoft's ILMerge into a NuGet package that includes the original files in the tools directory instead of as content. The files included in this package are the identical files that are included in the official ILMerge NuGet package of the same version. ILMerge is a utili...
ILMerge.Tools.MSBuildToolTask is a simple MSBuild task that wraps the ILMerge.exe command-line tool. Unlike other ILMerge MSBuild tasks,ILMerge.Tools.MSBuildToolTask is decoupled from the ILMerge assembly which means it does not reference it nor does it load it in-process. Instead, it executes ILMer...
The C++ Mathematical Expression Toolkit Library (ExprTk) is a simple to use, easy to integrate and extremely efficient run-time mathematical expression parsing and evaluation engine. The parsing engine supports numerous forms of functional and logic processing semantics and is easily extendible. ht...
The C++ Mathematical Expression Toolkit Library (ExprTk) Extra Examples
The C++ Lexer Toolkit Library (LexerTk) is a simple to use, easy to integrate and extremely fast lexicographical generator - lexer. The tokens generated by the lexer can be used as input to a parser such as "ExprTk".
Helps to recognize (identify) the language of a given text. NTextCat is a text classification utility (tool and API).
Transliterate russian text to english.
A small functional programming language for .NET. Its syntax is based on Python but whitespaces are ignored. Everything is an expression. The language runtime is embeddable, its AST is accesible and it compiles to portable pcode. There's an REPL you can play with and the project includes lots of un...
Provides common PowerShell editor capabilities as a .NET library.
Provides a process for hosting the PowerShell Editor Services library exposed by a JSON message protocol.