Top 20 NuGet kubernetes Packages

Asky极简架构、超轻量级、高性能、1小时学会,详细文档: AskyCore支持.NET Core 2.x AskyNet 支持.NET 4.7.1 .NET新时代开源社区QQ群:618093978 C#区块链编程学院QQ群:546200985
Resilience Library for Micro Services running in containers like Kubernetes.
Kapitan.Core provides the base objects to build Kapitan manifests on top of
Kapitan provides a type-safe, intelli-sense capable, parameterizable definition language for defining Kubernetes objects. Kapitan renders these manifests into a YAML file to be leveraged by kubectl or any other client that consumes YAML
Kapitan.ResourceGenerator generates Kapitan Manifest objects out of an OpenAPI (Swagger) description of an API Version
Additional Resources that helps / supports integration testing on a kubernetes operator written with the KubeOps operator sdk.
Kanyon.ResourceGenerator generates Kanyon Manifest objects out of an OpenAPI (Swagger) description of an API Version
Kanyon.Core provides the base objects to build Kanyon manifests on top of
Kanyon provides a type-safe, intelli-sense capable, parameterizable definition language for defining Kubernetes objects. Kanyon renders these manifests into a YAML file to be leveraged by kubectl or any other client that consumes YAML
Allows IdentityServer4 to fetch Clients, API Resources, etc. from Kubernetes Custom Resources rather than a database.
An open-source Kubernetes plugins and extensions library for AnyStatus. For more information visit
Configuration Provider for reading Cloud Foundry Environment Variables
Package Description
A .net client for the Kubernetes API.
Client library for the Kubernetes open source container orchestrator.
Kubernetes client configuration support for KubeClient
This package implements the SPDY protocol version 3.1 for .NET.
This package implements a flexible and fluent Kubernetes client.
Package for adding Kubernetes environment variables, ConfigMaps and Secrets to .NET applications
.Net Kubernetes REST API