Top 20 NuGet kubernetes Packages

General abstractions for use within Shawarma.
Kubernetes secrets configuration provider implementation to use with Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.
Package library for language idiomatic containeriziation
Asky 极简架构,轻量级、高性能,Asky是AskyCore的别名,支持.NET Core 2.x, AskyNet支持.NET 4.7.1,帮助文档:
Adds environment settings to the configuration and provides a mechanism to provide environment specifc defaults. This has been extremely useful to me when building services that are hosted with docker in services such as kubernetes and ECS where environment variables are the easiest way to configura...
Adds extension methods for reading Kubernetes Configmaps and Secrets
Creates a sample core app, with dockerfile, and sample kubernetes deployment files.
A command-line tool to enable authentication of Azure Vault when developing in local environment. For example when VSCode Remote Containers are used this utility can be run to enable the authentication. This tool is only functional for Docker Containers or Kubernetes cluster running locally.
ASP.NET Core library for starting/stopping background services based on Shawarma application state.
In Pod Kubernetes client to access Agones API from .NET
Shows kubernetes pod information