Top 20 NuGet json Packages

Utility for Named Pipes interprocess communications
Ling wherif,stringTojson等等的工具类
Logger engine which writes logs in json format.
AutoCSer.Serialize is a high-performance serialize framework that includes binary, JSON, and XML. AutoCSer.Serialize 是一个高性能的序列化组件,包括二进制 / JSON / XML 数据序列化。
AutoCSer.Json is a high-performance JSON framework. AutoCSer.Json 是一个高性能的 JSON 序列化组件。
Cross platform kick starter project.
A lightweight, fully-featured JSON parser using Sprache
RESTful base client that can call any RESTful API. Supports the HTTP verbs GET, POST and PATCH. Deals with the HTTP status code 200, 201, 204, 300, 301, 302, 303, 305, 307, 400, 404, 409, 500 and 502. [covered by 60+ tests]
Ling wherif,stringTojson等等的工具类
Sorschia Library for integrating NewtonSoft.Json library
Provides some helper clesses like XML serialization helpers, JSON XML reader, JSON pull-parser, ECMA-style promises, lightweight synchonization routines Signal and SharedLock, Trace helpers on top of System.Diagnostics, ObjectPool etc.
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Json configuration provider for .net dependency injection
A library for instantiating serializable MailMessage objects.