Top 20 NuGet javascript Packages

MinCat HttpHelper
This package contains the required metadata to use the Firebug Console with the Saltarelle C# to JavaScript compiler. Install this package on the C# saltarelle project.
A language as a library borrowing concepts from Lisp and Haskell. JFP contains functions which allow for gentle adoption of functional programming ideas for developers who are new to the functional paradigm. JFP embraces the dynamic nature of Javascript while supporting safe data typing.
io.js is a JavaScript platform built on Chrome's V8 runtime. This project began as a fork of Joyent's Node.js and is compatible with the npm ecosystem.
Contains customized Yui3 files
iScroll is a high performance, small footprint, dependency free, multi-platform javascript scroller.
Nicescroll is a jquery plugin, for nice scrollbars with a very similar ios/mobile style.
This is a wrapper for array to be enabled with underscore features.
A jQuery plugin to Autosize a textarea whenever a key is released or text is pasted.
JavaScript inheritance.
Includes scripts and stylesheets for using Wijmo 5 controls in Cloud Business Apps.
Make that shiz draggable
Packery is a JavaScript layout library that uses a bin-packing algorithm. This is a fancy way of saying "it fills empty gaps." Packery layouts can be intelligently ordered or organically wild. Elements can be stamped in place, fit in an ideal spot, or dragged around.
Contiene directivas para mensajes y paginado en angular
Flow.js is a JavaScript library providing multiple simultaneous, stable and resumable uploads via the HTML5 File API.
Flow.js extensions for angular.js framework, no 3rd party JS dependencies required! ng-flow extension is based on Flow.js library. No FlowJs required.
TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for jsurl
Track and highlight elements exceeding a specific width
A simple stupid way to share front end assets between msbuild projects