Top 20 NuGet javascript Packages

DataBind is a simple javascript function that facilitates binding Data from a JSON object to a HTML template. The objective of this script is to enable using templates without introducing any new or invalid syntax and without dictating the way you structure your application. All you need is a single...
HTML Inspector is a highly-customizable, code quality library written in JavaScript to help you write better markup. It aims to find a balance between the uncompromisingly strict W3C validator and having absolutely no rules at all (the unfortunate reality for most of us).
An autocomplete extension for scalejs based on Select2
Description of the scalejs.panorama-cssgrid extension.
This package contains the required metadata to use Jasmine with the Saltarelle C# to JavaScript compiler. Install this package on the C# saltarelle project.
Singular Controls is a set of AngularJs directives, services and also a semantic stylesheet.
Strongly-typed single-page web application development in C#.
A simple infrastructure based on messaging patterns and service bus implementations for decoupling Backbone and Backbone.Marionette applications.
Simple wrapper for cross-browser usage of the JavaScript Fullscreen API, which lets you bring the page or any element into fullscreen. Smoothens out the browser implementation differences, so you don't have to.
A complete frontend toolchain in a single Nuget package
Array query library for JavaScript with "Linq" like methods.
A simple Logger for javascript
This is a convenient Windows and Windows Phone multi-language API for making Internet connection state decisions in real time, using the speed result to decide if/when to run your network-intensive code. This API does not need to eat a bunch of network bandwidth to do it's job. This API fills a s...
Pure Javascript framework - unobtrusive MVVM. Full-fledged framework including ajax, routing, validation, scripts/styles dynamic loading, module management. The outstanding points are unobstrusiveness, performance, lightweight, easy to learn, easy to extend controls.
Windows To Moment.js Timezone Coverter
Supports the HTML5 History API, the 'onhashchange' method and graceful degredation, root routes, fallback methods, paramaterised routes and optional route components (dynamic routes). Compatible with all major browsers (Tested on Firefox 3.6, Firefox 4.0, Firefox 5.0, Chrome 9, Opera 11, IE7, IE8, I...
CSharp toolkit containing useful extensions and functions.
CoffeeScript compiler for Windows. With a HttpHandler, command-line tool and a .NET library. For ASP.NET projects: After installing this package, all .coffee files will be compiled on the fly by the HttpHandler and returned as JavaScript. Note: For production usage, it is recommened to compile all...
jSQL facilitates the query, update and delete of items, in an array of plain objects, using JavaScript and SQL like syntax. * SQL like syntax * SQL feature implementation: Join, Left Join, Select [Distinct] [Top], Where, Group By, Having, Aggregate functions, Order By [Desc], Update and Delete * Us...
This package provides a T4 template that generates Javascript proxy classes based on an ASP.NET Web Api metadata service.