Top 20 NuGet jwt Packages

For JSON Web Token (JWT) creation, parsing and validation. This is a dependency of package EasyJwt. If used directly you will need to provide json serialization/deserialization and signature hashing.
Handler for ACS-emitted OAuth2 Bearer tokens.
This library is a dependency of the FCore.AuthServer and FCore.ResourceServer libraries. It contains a simple WebToken class that becomes the access token issued by the auth server, and passed as a Bearer token to authorized resource server calls.
Decode a JSON Web Token claims.
Tools for facilitating communications with web-services by JWT standard.
ProSkive common library
JWT Authentication Plugin for LVDGW
JWT - JSON Web Token for the .NET Framework
Generic JWT token delegating handler
The most simplistic .NET Json Web Token (JWT) Library.
This package implements logic for jwt generation including a set of claims widely used for user management. It also handles user data deserialization through a set of claims obtained from HttpContext making data available through dependency injection.
OAuth Client
ASP.Net Core Identity and the Authorization Policy from a different perspective; A perspective not too far from Microsoft's but somewhat an addition to it. It's opinionated in many ways.
This is a JWT Wrapper of the framework jwt-dotnet/jwt ( for ASP.Net Core.
This is a JWT Wrapper of the framework jwt-dotnet/jwt ( for ASP.Net Core.
This is a JWT Wrapper of the framework jwt-dotnet/jwt ( for ASP.Net Core.
Creates all artifacts that enables a WebApp/WebAPI project to authenticate users with cookies & JWTs (WebAPI). Generates JWTs and register users via WebAPI using tokens. Totally normal behaviour with cookies when using in web-mode
A set of tools to deal with Auth0 based Jwt tokens in .Net