Top 20 NuGet javascript Packages

Adds QUnit js/css to ASP.NET MVC Razor projects and Cshtml Test Runner web page to /QUnitTests/index.cshtml. Just put your tests into js files in /QUnitTests folder. The test runner scans for all of them. Feel free to rename QUnitTests testing folder to anything you like. Please send any suggestion...
Spine is a lightweight framework for building JavaScript web applications. Spine gives you a MVC structure and then gets out of your way, allowing you to concentrate on the fun stuff, building awesome web applications. Spine is opinionated and, although at first glance it might look similar to other...
The Surge SlickGrid Extensions is a set of open-sourced tools that will make using grids in your application a breeze.
This plugin allows you to animatedly sort a table based on a column's <td>s, or on the content/value of a child/descendant element within those <td>s. The various <td>s fly to their new homes, giving a nice effect. It also supports sorting on REGEXP matches. You can also control whether row relation...
Documentation is included as part of the package. Source and current issues at Raise a bug at github or email [email protected]
Web.Require is client dependency framework for ASP.NET MVC
Web application testing framework.
This is simple drop-and-forget, configuration-less (optional) http module that will handle compression of javascript and css, both in files and embedded on html page.
This is the dijit source files package. Dijit is Dojo's UI Library, and lives as a separate namespace dijit. Dijit requires Dojo Core and Dojo Base. Each of the widgets and functionality provided by Dijit are described
This is the dojox source files package. DojoX is an area for development of extensions to the Dojo toolkit. It is a repository for more stable and mature extensions and also acts as an incubator for experimental code, a testbed for additions to the main toolkit. Unlike Dojo and Dijit, DojoX is manag...
Davis.js is a small JavaScript library using HTML5 history.pushState that allows simple Sinatra style routing for your JavaScript apps.
Phantom.js runner to integrate javascript tests for xUnit
With Interaction Lib you can wire up most common ajax UI interactions with as few as 2 - 3 attributes right in your markup with no additional javascript. Also provides markup for wiring and configuring other jQuery/jQueryUI plugins. Provides support for unobtrusive configurations.
This is a package of the script loader from the Script# project by Nikhil Kothari (
This package contains the required metadata to develop web applications with the Saltarelle C# to JavaScript compiler. It is a slightly modified version of the web library from the Script# project by Nikhil Kothari (
ASP.NET support for Cassette. Cassette automatically builds JavaScript, CSS and HTML template modules based on the dependencies between files. CoffeeScript and LESS are also supported.
CoffeeScript compiler support for Cassette
jQuery-tmpl HTML template compilation support for Cassette.
This package is core library of the Higgs RIA Framework. It provides a lot of useful classes and great methods (like UpdateModel and ForEach) in general development.
This package contains the required metadata to use Knockout JS with the Saltarelle C# to JavaScript compiler. It is a slightly modified version of the knockout import library from the Script# project by Nikhil Kothari (