Top 20 NuGet javascript Packages

Provides an endpoint for ASP.NET Web Api services to serve a JavaScript proxy and metadata
HoloJS is a JavaScript runtime for AR and VR graphics things. It provides unified rendering for AR (HoloLens), VR (Windows Mixed Reality headsets) and 2D desktop using standard WebGL/WebVR scripts. HoloJs can be embedded in Win32 and UWP apps.
Prebuild binaries for V8 JavaScript Engine.
Prebuild binaries for V8 JavaScript Engine.
Javascript interpreter for .NET which provides full ECMA 5.1 compliance. ** This is a repackage of the third party Jint project for use with ThinkGeo's Map Suite product line. ** ** You should not need to reference this package directly, it will be a dependency of other Map Suite packages. ** The...
This is a plugin to add, update and remove data to url params without reloading the webpage.
Statically compiled V8 JavaScript Libraries.
Prebuild binaries for V8 JavaScript Engine.
Prebuild binaries for V8 JavaScript Engine.
Adds a themeable website called Chameleon to your project.
Pre-built binaries for V8 JavaScript Engine.
Pre-built binaries for V8 JavaScript Engine.
Pre-built binaries for V8 JavaScript Engine.
Statically compiled V8 JavaScript Libraries.
SD is a javascript object that provide powerfull performance to any project
Syncfusion Dashboard Viewer Javascript is a content package having the supported scripts, themes, fonts and cultures for rendering the dashboard viewer. On embedding the dashboard viewer in any of the supported platform, the package is used to refer the static contents for the dashboard rendering in...
Core class package for CSharpToJs, without the CLI
Extends CloudflareSolverRe, contains captcha providers (2Captcha, AntiCaptcha) that helps solving cloudflare captcha challenge.
Prebuild binaries for V8 JavaScript Engine.