Top 20 NuGet ioc Packages

Unity.Mvc5 allows the simple integration of the Unity IoC container with ASP.NET MVC 5.
An extension to the LightInject service container that enables dependency injection for Web API applications. See LightInject.WebApi.Source for the source distribution.
Autofac allows you to register metadata along with dependencies for additional resolution flexibility. This extension enables that metadata to be registered through attributes.
Enables LightInject to be used as the service container in ASP.NET Core and Entity Framework 7 applications.
Unity interception enables you to effectively capture calls to objects and add additional functionality to the target object. Interception is useful when you want to modify the behavior for individual objects but not the entire class, very much as you would do when using the Decorator pattern. It pr...
Unity Service Location
Smart container library Xamarin extensions
Smart navigation library resolver integration
Ninject dependency wrapper for use with infrastructure projects
SimpleInjector IoC for KnightBus
Provides common simple model that can be used accross applications.
Maestro is a dependency injection / inversion of control library.
KickStart Extension for SimpleInjector
TypeClassMapper is a basic .NET runtime dependency Type-Class mapping class - Given the runtime dependency management tradition of early design patterns, e.g., Microsoft COM IUnknown::QueryInterface method, this class follows such design tradition and relies on basic equivalent mechanisms from .NET ...
AspNetCore feature for expressions based Inversion of Control container for .NET.
Autofac extension supporting generation of NSubstitute objects.
Includes interfaces and runtime support classes for writing AWS Lambdas using Dependency Injection.
DryIoc.MefAttributedModel is DryIoc extension to support Microsoft Managed Extensibility Framework for DryIoc container
KickStart Extension for Unity
KickStart Extension for Ninject