Top 20 NuGet iot Packages

DeviceHive turns any connected device into the part of Internet of Things. It provides the communication layer, control software and multi-platform libraries to bootstrap development of smart energy, home automation, remote sensing, telemetry, remote control and monitoring software and much more.
Qpid Proton is a high-performance, lightweight messaging library. It can be used in the widest range of messaging applications, including brokers, client libraries, routers, bridges, proxies, and more. Proton makes it trivial to integrate with the AMQP 1.0 ecosystem from any platform, environment, o...
A C# client library for connecting to the AllThingsTalk cloud
A C# Library that helps communicate with GPIO Ports of a Raspberry Pi 2
This library provides Networking helper classes for the .Net Micro Framework on Molecule.Net boards
This library provides .Net Micro Framework support for the ESP8266 family of serial-interface wifi boards
This library provides Networking helper classes for accessing Microsoft Azure using the PervasiveDigital serial wifi stack and .Net Micro Framework
This library provides managed implementations of selected security functions, including SHA2, HMACSHA256 and more. This is useful when working with .Net Micro Framework chips that do not have the native Crypto features enabled. The managed implementations will run significantly slower, b...
This library provides .Net Micro Framework logging and diagnostics support for other Pervasive Digital packages
This project has the purpose to provide all the same APIs to access the Microsoft Azure Service Bus (Queues, Topics/Subscriptions, Event Hubs) you have on .Net Framework but also for .Net Micro Framework, .Net Compact Framework 3.9, Mono (on Linux) and WinRT (Windows 8.1 and Windows 10) using AMQP p...
Core functionality for Trollbridge
Xamling IOT for development the Xamling way
PushettaClient it's a library to use Pushetta push notification API from .Net applications
Provides a mechanism for temperature conversion.
Provides an interface to the Adafruit HTU21D-F Temperature & Humidity Sensor Breakout Board.
Provides an NTP Client for Universal applications.
Provides integration fo rthe Adafruit SI1145 Digital UV Index / IR / Visible Light Sensor breakout board.