Top 20 NuGet integration Packages

MathCore Library - Numerical Analysis
EmbedIO can use the OWIN platform in two different approach: You can use EmbedIO as OWIN server and use all OWIN framework with EmbedIO modules. or You can use OWIN Middleware into EmbedIO as a module.
Javascript test runner extensions
A flexible feature toggle library
A Sql feature source for FeatureSelect
PayPlug payment solution
xUnit VW Extension is an extension to the xUnit testing framework which enables you to pass failing tests when using continuous integration tools.
A simple C# library to interface with Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Game State Integration
A C# library to interface with the Game State Integration found in Dota 2.
Integration between Caliburn.Micro and Autofac
A transport for NSB that runs in memory for integration testing NSB endpoints.
A small set of utilities that help with unit and integration testing
Http library contains components for publishing HTTP interfaces and consuming REST services. Integround Components is a collection of open source integration components to help you build custom integration solutions easily. These components can be used in any .NET application to make it easier to e...
Files.Ftp library contains client components for communicating with FTP/SFTP servers. Note: these components depend on Rebex File Transfer Pack libraries which require third-party licensing. These dependencies are not included in the repository or in the Nuget package. To use these components you ...
Azure Service Bus library contains components for communicating with Azure Service Bus with ease. Integround Components is a collection of open source integration components to help you build custom integration solutions easily. These components can be used in any .NET application to make it easie...
Azure Storage library contains components for communicating with Azure Storage with ease. Integround Components is a collection of open source integration components to help you build custom integration solutions easily. These components can be used in any .NET application to make it easier to exe...
Xml library contains components for xslt and flat file conversions for building custom integration processes. Integround Components is a collection of open source integration components to help you build custom integration solutions easily. These components can be used in any .NET application...
Integratin Helper for LA
A library to enable deployment of Sql Databases using the DAC framework.
DataBag provides an easy way of resolving string expressions based on registered variables. DataBag.EntityFramework allows you to integrate DataBag library with EntityFramework. For more details see Project Site.